Born into a family crazy about motorsport - his grandfather and his father raced motorbikes and cars - it was inevitable that Stefan Warter also started racing off-road motorcycles. Because he found the photos that were taken at these races so boring, he bought his own camera - and quickly took the more exciting pictures. In addition to his passion for speed, vehicles and technology, there is a desire to see, to see dynamic images, to feel for the decisive moment, gladly also for other topics.
Stefan Warter studied photo / film design at the Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences with a focus and diploma in photo reportage and has since worked as a freelance photographer on large reports for well-known magazines. In addition, there were more and more orders for industry, including for Porsche, Audi, Volkswagen, Honda and Deutsche Bahn. A photo book “Formula 1 - Powergame” was created for STERN, an outstanding book in Formula 1 photography to this day, and for Stefan Warter the successful combination of his passions - photography and vehicles.
Stefan Warter is married, has three daughters and lives in Berlin.